Homes of 21st Century Education are places where you and your children – through culture, the arts and play – can learn how to create positive change for the future.

Places to learn for the future

The world is changing quickly, and children growing up today will have to co-create a more sustainable society for tomorrow. For this they will need to develop new skills our school system hasn’t always been focusing on.

Homes of 21st Century Education are places where you and your children – through culture, the arts and play – can learn how to create positive change for the future.

But how can you know if this is a place worth going to?

There are eight criteria we evaluate that make the difference:


Your Door to the Culture!

Easily accessible public place of joy, beauty and imagination!
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We are Cultural Gateways

We are locally relevant, easily accessible and comprehensive to all. We are public spaces for well-being and enjoyment, heritage, aesthetics, and imagination. We serve as entrance institutions into cultural life.

Learn by Play!

Home of interactive self-learning: trying out the unknown, curiosity and imagination.
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We are educational labs

We are incubators of contemporary education—continuously creating and improving hands-on, mind-on, heart-on learning experiences. We research, develop and test innovative educational practices. We offer play-based, interdisciplinary, multi-perspective and interactive learning experiences where imagination, creativity, curiosity, and exploring the unknown are at home.

For all Senses!

Developing your children’s talents holistically as a meaningful experience.
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We provide holistic education

We invite children to holistically develop their talents and skills in the form of meaningful experience grounded in Hands On! Mind On! Heart On! principles

Better World!

Children as equal part of the society, imagining and changing the world into a better place.
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We foster education for humanity

We empower our visitors to build healthy relationships between individuals, community, and society and encourage children to become co-creators of and change-agents in society.

Bridging the Gaps

For all ages, bridging the gaps between generations.
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We are intergenerational with children in the centre

We serve as meeting places to bridge the gaps between generations, and foster intergenerational dialogue and learning.

Be heard!

Place to interact, engage: whoever you are every voice can be heard.
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We apply a polyphonic, paricipatory and inclusive approach

We are responsive, audience-focused institutions, where interactivity is at the heat of every visitor’s experience. Social and cultural diversity is reflected in all our ‘P’s: in our people, program, products, promotion, place, parners, process and prices.

Digitally Aware & Active

Navigating between reality and virtuality, for children and the older ones.
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We are digitally aware and active

We embrace digital technology and help children to navigate through different realities and virtualities.

Constantly Changing

Connecting to the global themes, but acting locally and continuously adapting.
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We are dynamic and evolving organisations

Constantly adapting and responding to the changing needs of local communities, in connection with recent global and local developments.

Would like to join the movement?

Apply for certification or commit to the transformation which will make your organisation a Home of 21st Century Education.

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